Thursday 2 April 2009

thriller evaluation


When we created are AS thriller we had looked at a particular film to try and generate ideas on what are thriller should be based on, we looked at the film ‘saw’ and we studied the opening of the film and tried to Incorporate it into our thriller.
We used establishing shots of the area to try and give the audience a sense of where the thriller was set, by doing so we give the audience a somewhat basic idea of when our thriller was set and where. we had done a pan out of the area and a close up of the Liverpool street underground sign and also did another pan shot of outside the station that led to the entrance in our thriller are establishing shots were in Liverpool street, we thought by having an establishing shot of this as it would convey to the audience that this is a modern setting in a known place. I believe that by having establishing shots in Liverpool Street it raised the question of ‘what could happen in such a public place?’.
how I think this raised the question is that if u look at the film ‘saw’ in the beginning they show a pan out of where the characters are in the film and of what their situation might be. How this relates too many thrillers is that in every thriller has to have a basic shot of where it is set in so that the audience can think of questions for the film. So I believe that are establishing shots are like every other thriller that has been made. also in are thriller are credits gave of an Erie mood because of the text we had used which was bold letters that flashed in and out jus to give off a scarier mood. Our thriller music played a part as well in the opening because again it gives the audience a scary mood. Because the music has a slow temp to it with a low pitch so it gives the thriller more tension and a build up of the scene, I had changed it by adding in an extra beat so that it doesn’t ruin the suspense that the song offers.

Since our thriller is a horror I believe that it appeals to a lot of people in the country but we had a main focus in making our thriller. We wanted to appeal more to teenagers 15+ because we felt that they were a larger audience. But it would only appeal to teenagers that prefer and enjoy watching horror films. We also thought that about little details in are film that could also attract that younger audience that we were looking for, we had used young people to give are audience a more relatable cast. We had used a female as one of the victims even though this is typical in most thrillers we felt that by doing so we could we attract the audience because we could raise questions for our young audience.
So by trying to have teenagers as our main audience we had to think of how we could advertise and distribute our thriller. We wanted our thriller to be a big Hollywood blockbuster because we knew that are film could relate to teenagers around the world and that it could sell more. But before we would distribute it to the world we would do so by realising a short clip out on the internet to give an audience a teaser before the actual film came out because by using the audience we can branch out all over the world by using the internet as an advertisement. By putting the adverts on MySpace, face book and YouTube.
but even though we had already thought pretty clear on what our target audience would be we had to think of what the main audience would be, we knew that we was looking at a mainstream audience and that are film could attract a lot of teenagers so we felt that by having this young audience we could have a lot more success in the thriller. but in are audience we knew that we had teenagers that would like to become actors themselves, so by having a young cast in our thriller we knew that we could give are audience a sense of hope that maybe one day they could be in a Hollywood blockbuster and also teenagers that happened to be associated in film for example ‘Alex who is 17, he enjoys watching a variety of films, he is a aspiring actor who has appeared in a short films as a extra ‘ even though he is already somewhat in a film industry I believe that by watching are thriller could give him a sense of relief knowing that one day he could be in a big budget film.

Since our film was going to be a big Hollywood blockbuster we had to think of how we would try to market it to world. we thought about advertising it by highlighting one of the members of the cast as a ‘upcoming star’ we figured because teenagers prefer films with a known star but tried to make it seem like this person is the new generation of Hollywood actors, so we would advertise it places we teenagers are usually found like by having posters of the film near clubs, youth centres etc... We would mostly the internet to try and get the word out about the film because the internet is a very helpful and useful way to advertise because it is so popular with teens. so we would leak out clips of the film on MySpace or face book since it’s so popular, we would also have billboards on busses and we would have trailers on TV because by using TV we can really market are film to are target audience but we knew that we could get a lot more publicity by using things like the internet and TV because of how popular it is with teenagers at this time.

so in making this thriller I believe that I have learnt a lot in using media software to try and complete this thriller, I’ve learnt how to use final cut pro to its fullest extent I did find it quite difficult at first trying to edit my thriller just because it was the first time I have ever used it but after a while I found it quite basic to use, I also enjoyed using camera equipment I had never used stuff like that before so I found it quite enjoyable to learn about. I found camera work to be a bit confusing but got the hang of it after awhile and found it quite simple, what I also learnt how to use was soundtrack pro I’ve had already a somewhat knowledge of how to use soundtrack pro but we I learnt it more in depth I found it easy to use and very useful when making are thriller. what I did was learn how to release my thriller out on the internet I used more my blogs to try an release it because it’s the easiest way for people to actually see are thriller because then it can widen are audience and reach out to a lot more people about this new thriller that is being released .

when I look at the actual ‘match cut ‘ exercise that we had to do I found out that using camera equipment is quite easy, so what really worked well for me personally is that I felt a lot more confident using the camera stuff so doing more practical stuff instead of using final cut pro, I didn’t really enjoy editing because I found it quite dull because I found it quite hard to try and pick up at first, even though I learned how it works in the end I still feel that I enjoyed a lot more using the camera because I have never used it before. what I also learnt is how important planning can be in making the thriller because if we didn’t really have a basic idea of what we wanted to do we wouldn’t of got any were so now I know that by planning we could of made are thriller so much quicker and smoother .so what I have learnt was to use basic media skills in making a production of a film such as final cut pro, soundtrack pro, and hands on practical work like suing camera equipment.

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