Friday 12 December 2008


Our task was to create a thriller and then edit it. We were happy with the camera work, the shots we used that were most successful was the close up shots on the actions used. The camera shots used that didn't work was when we couldn't judge the size of the frame and fitting in all the characters in one frame. The editing was hard to start off with but then we practiced a bit and got the hang of it after. Our short film did make sense with a lot of changes to it because we planned out what shot was next and we managed to cut out some of the things we didn't need. For the mise en scene we learnt that you have to have a good plan to make things work and you have to know what you want to show the audience. It is also important to make sure that the mise en scene is specific. We did manage to create suspense by using the different camera shots on actions and the characters facial expressions. Something that we forgot to keep an eye on was to make sure that the characters heads were in the frame correctly. Some of the conventions we used from other thrillers were to create tension and drag out the story line to increase the suspense. I think that we could improve on this a bit more and use more conventions such as creating questions for the audience and trying to keep them on edge and wondering what could happen next. I think that filming was fun and you learn a lot more when editing because you realise how much of the shots you really do need. In the future you must plan what you are going to do in advance so that you don't end up wasting film and having a long process in editing it.

Filming The Card Game.. Evaluation

Last Monday's lesson we were given a task to practice filming for our thriller. The task that we were given was the scenario of a card game, and we had to create suspense for viewers.
I was quite happy with the filming, I thought the over the shoulder shots were most successful because it showed a range of different camera shots in the scene. However we could of included more close ups to show our camera working skills and to create more suspense in the film.
I think the editing went quite well, we were able cut scenes and link all of them together to create a short, well flowing film. 
With the mise en scene we arranged the table and cards to show viewers we were playing a card game and that it was against 2 people. Since we didn't finish our filming due to lack of time, there wasn't too much suspense but I believe there was some suspense during the card game. I believe the supsense was created by Billy cheating during the game. The only thing we forgot to do was the framing, we had too much space above the actors head in the camera shots.
I believe that this task was could practice because we had a chance to practice filming and trying out different camera shots and practice on editing our footage to prepare us for our thrillers we are creating for coursework.

Making the card game

We were given a task where we had to film thriller using a pack of cards to create tension and suspense.
I was happy with the camera work that my group produced but when i film it after christmas i think that we could use a more variety of shots and angles.
the shots that were most successful was the close ups. they were successful because it created suspense and give ideas for the story line. Over the shoulder shots didn't work so well because it was hard to judge the framing of the subjects in the frame.
i found the editing part of the task hard as it was confusing where to add shots in and take them out to add into the overall piece.
Continuity editing looked OK in our edited piece but could have been made better if we had more time to think about where to add and cut the piece .
After editing the piece the short film did make sense because we planned the shots before shooting them and also think that we edited really well.
I learned that Mise en scene was important in the shot even if it wasn't important to the story we was telling because it can convey meaning,etc.
Alot of suspense was created as we dragged the story line out and built up tension for the viewer. to create suspense we used a variety of camera work and angles.
if i was to film it again i would focus more on the framing of the shots as sometimes the head wasn't at the top of the frame.
Some of the conventions i used from real thrillers: Suspense, tension, dragged out story line, scariness etc but next time i would like to ad more conventions of a thriller to make it more realistic.