Friday 12 December 2008

Making the card game

We were given a task where we had to film thriller using a pack of cards to create tension and suspense.
I was happy with the camera work that my group produced but when i film it after christmas i think that we could use a more variety of shots and angles.
the shots that were most successful was the close ups. they were successful because it created suspense and give ideas for the story line. Over the shoulder shots didn't work so well because it was hard to judge the framing of the subjects in the frame.
i found the editing part of the task hard as it was confusing where to add shots in and take them out to add into the overall piece.
Continuity editing looked OK in our edited piece but could have been made better if we had more time to think about where to add and cut the piece .
After editing the piece the short film did make sense because we planned the shots before shooting them and also think that we edited really well.
I learned that Mise en scene was important in the shot even if it wasn't important to the story we was telling because it can convey meaning,etc.
Alot of suspense was created as we dragged the story line out and built up tension for the viewer. to create suspense we used a variety of camera work and angles.
if i was to film it again i would focus more on the framing of the shots as sometimes the head wasn't at the top of the frame.
Some of the conventions i used from real thrillers: Suspense, tension, dragged out story line, scariness etc but next time i would like to ad more conventions of a thriller to make it more realistic.

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