Friday 12 December 2008

Filming The Card Game.. Evaluation

Last Monday's lesson we were given a task to practice filming for our thriller. The task that we were given was the scenario of a card game, and we had to create suspense for viewers.
I was quite happy with the filming, I thought the over the shoulder shots were most successful because it showed a range of different camera shots in the scene. However we could of included more close ups to show our camera working skills and to create more suspense in the film.
I think the editing went quite well, we were able cut scenes and link all of them together to create a short, well flowing film. 
With the mise en scene we arranged the table and cards to show viewers we were playing a card game and that it was against 2 people. Since we didn't finish our filming due to lack of time, there wasn't too much suspense but I believe there was some suspense during the card game. I believe the supsense was created by Billy cheating during the game. The only thing we forgot to do was the framing, we had too much space above the actors head in the camera shots.
I believe that this task was could practice because we had a chance to practice filming and trying out different camera shots and practice on editing our footage to prepare us for our thrillers we are creating for coursework.

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