Tuesday 27 January 2009

The Pitch

On Fridays lesson we had to make the Pitch of our Thriller.
We had decided on the location the begining of our thriller would take place, which is going to be in an alley way by Liverpool Street. We planned our first 15 shots which will include close ups, medium shots and establishing shots. We also thought about the mise en scene and about the props we might use. We gave our self deadlines to which we will stick to so that we have enough time to edit the footage we take. We thought that we would make sure we hav alot of filmig done so that we are sure to have enough shots to include in the final opening of our thriller.

Saturday 24 January 2009

Making The Pitch..

This Fridays lesson we had to plan out our thriller, where we are going to film, when we are going to film and what we are going to film. We had to write out the first 15 shots of our opening, and make our pitch to the rest of the class.

We had to discuss locations, lighting, mise en scene, the basics of what the opening was about and who it would appeal to. We have decided to film part of our thriller in Liverpool Street, down an alley way. To show it's Liverpool Street we are going to fiom the underground tube station sign and the surroundings outside the tube station, and the area near the alley way we are going to film in. The other part of our opening we have decided to film in the college basement, we discovered that it was a good place to film some of the scenes in.
Also we are going to have our opening in black and white, for an eerie effect on the audience, and we are going to make out own soundtrack for the thriller.

Thursday 22 January 2009

Last lesson we planned what we would do in our thriller.
We thought about the location and what places would set the mood of our thriller the most.
The first story line that we came up with was that a girl would be tied up in a room on her own, then seeing a man walk up an alley way, or beside a canal. The man would then walk into the room were the girl was, walking up, down and around her. But then the screen will go blank and you will here a girl screaming. We thought that this would be good as the audience isnt too sure on what actualy happens to the girl but all you har is a scream so you now that it is something bad. The locations that we thought of was in a dark alley way in Liver Pool Street Station or in Camden were the canal is. Some of the shots we thought about were lots of extreme close ups on the facial expressions and maybe foot steps and hands. We can show how the girl is helpless and scared. We also thought about how we will edit the footage, using match cuts, making the shots black and white instead and putting in text.
Our Practice Thriller.

During our lesson we planned how we would make our practice thriller. We thought carefully about all the different types of shots we would use. To build up the tension in our thriller, we used alot of extreme close ups on facial expressions and also things lyk hands and feet. We thought that if we used close up on objects aswell it would show the audience the things that could be inmportant in the film. We tried to make sure that we had enough footage so that we could edit it all and use lots of match cuts. By filming things more than once and shooting it from different angels and shots helped us. When it came to editing all the footage we got wasnt as easy as we thought. We had to shorten alot of the footage we had so that it allowed us to put in match cuts. I think in future we should think alot more about how we will edit all the footage and use mor important clips for the final edit. For the future we have learnt how we could make good match cuts and think more about what we want the audience to feel.

Monday 19 January 2009

Practicing Session For The Thriller

Practice Filming Session..

From our practice filming session we had to film someone walking into a room and having a short dialogue with another person, and then we had to edit it.

I believe the camera work we did in this session was at a good standard but some of our match cuts could've been improved so the film ran more smoothly.
The editing part of the session went well because we could improve some of the filming and cut out scenes we didn't want to use, and so the short film made sense.

The mise en scene could of been improved, because in a scene of the film you can see our bags in the corridor, and it would've looked better if they were moved somewhere where the camera couldn't catch them on film.

We were not able to create suspense, but I believe this was because of the type of scenario we were given, we couldn't really add suspense to it.

We film the 5 seconds before and after each shot, however we didn't finish the dialogue off between the two people due to lesson timing and because we needed to edit the footage we shot.

I think that we worked well in this practice, and we managed to put quite a few match cuts within the film, and it ran together smoothly after we edited it in the editing suite. Although we could of improved the mise en scene and shouold finished the dialogue, apart from that I believe the outcome of the short film was at a good standard.