Thursday 22 January 2009

Last lesson we planned what we would do in our thriller.
We thought about the location and what places would set the mood of our thriller the most.
The first story line that we came up with was that a girl would be tied up in a room on her own, then seeing a man walk up an alley way, or beside a canal. The man would then walk into the room were the girl was, walking up, down and around her. But then the screen will go blank and you will here a girl screaming. We thought that this would be good as the audience isnt too sure on what actualy happens to the girl but all you har is a scream so you now that it is something bad. The locations that we thought of was in a dark alley way in Liver Pool Street Station or in Camden were the canal is. Some of the shots we thought about were lots of extreme close ups on the facial expressions and maybe foot steps and hands. We can show how the girl is helpless and scared. We also thought about how we will edit the footage, using match cuts, making the shots black and white instead and putting in text.

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