Monday 19 January 2009

Practicing Session For The Thriller

Practice Filming Session..

From our practice filming session we had to film someone walking into a room and having a short dialogue with another person, and then we had to edit it.

I believe the camera work we did in this session was at a good standard but some of our match cuts could've been improved so the film ran more smoothly.
The editing part of the session went well because we could improve some of the filming and cut out scenes we didn't want to use, and so the short film made sense.

The mise en scene could of been improved, because in a scene of the film you can see our bags in the corridor, and it would've looked better if they were moved somewhere where the camera couldn't catch them on film.

We were not able to create suspense, but I believe this was because of the type of scenario we were given, we couldn't really add suspense to it.

We film the 5 seconds before and after each shot, however we didn't finish the dialogue off between the two people due to lesson timing and because we needed to edit the footage we shot.

I think that we worked well in this practice, and we managed to put quite a few match cuts within the film, and it ran together smoothly after we edited it in the editing suite. Although we could of improved the mise en scene and shouold finished the dialogue, apart from that I believe the outcome of the short film was at a good standard.

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