Saturday 24 January 2009

Making The Pitch..

This Fridays lesson we had to plan out our thriller, where we are going to film, when we are going to film and what we are going to film. We had to write out the first 15 shots of our opening, and make our pitch to the rest of the class.

We had to discuss locations, lighting, mise en scene, the basics of what the opening was about and who it would appeal to. We have decided to film part of our thriller in Liverpool Street, down an alley way. To show it's Liverpool Street we are going to fiom the underground tube station sign and the surroundings outside the tube station, and the area near the alley way we are going to film in. The other part of our opening we have decided to film in the college basement, we discovered that it was a good place to film some of the scenes in.
Also we are going to have our opening in black and white, for an eerie effect on the audience, and we are going to make out own soundtrack for the thriller.

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