Friday 27 February 2009

Final Editting Session For Thriller Opening (Finally Finished!!)

Today (27/02/09) was the deadline for the final edit of our thriller opening, we had until 3 pm to hand it in. Since we already put the footage into a sequence, we just needed to add title screens and add in the music and the sound effects.
To save time, we split up; Bianca and Billy added the music to the opening, while me and Kimone did the title screens. At first I was clueless about making the title screens because I didn't know how to use the programme but with help from the teacher and a fellow classmate it became easier. Since we broke up opening we left gaps in the sequence where the title screens should go, and there were 11 gaps - so at first we needed 11 title screens. But we realised that was too much so we had to change the thriller slightly so there were only 6 title screens used during editing and finishing our final edit of our opening.

Once we finished the title screens we had to put them onto the hard drive and then take the hard drive back to the editing room, where Billy and Bianca were so we could add them to the thriller. When we put all the title screens in, we helped finish putting the music together and making final touches to the editting so it looked good and ran smoothly and in time with the music.

When we finished editting the whole opening we were relieved that we had finished in time and were able to hand it in at lunch time and not stay behind until 3 pm. The last thing we had to do before we could go home, was just post it onto our blogging group.

When watching the final edit of the thriller opening, I realised we could of improved a few things. The first thing would have been that the girl (Olivia) who starred in the opening should have worn the same clothes on both filming days, so it looked more realistic because shes wearing different shoes and jacket - but I don't think its that noticeable anyway!
Another thing we could've changed was made the music for the opening fade out before the scream to have more of an impact on the scream, because it sounds a bit jumpy and I think that if it faded out it would of sounded smoother.
One more thing that maybe we could've done was use lighting down the alley way in Liverpool Street but I think the darkness adds an eerie feeling to our opening - so maybe it was a good thing we didn't use lighting on that day.

Overall this project has been difficult at times, but also easy. Parts of it were enjoyable and others were a bit boring. But I think as a group we worked well together and made good plans of camera shots, locations and filming that we stuck to and made it a lot easier for us to film and put everything together while editting. I think that this has been a very interesting and valuable experience, and atleast now I know how to use a camera, a mac computer, and the editing suite!!

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