Wednesday 25 February 2009

First Time Editing...

Today (25/02/2009) we edited our thriller for the first time. Since Bianca logged and captured the footage on the inset day before half term (Friday the 13th of Feburary), we had to put it together into the order we wanted it to be in. I think this part of the project was quite fun because I've never edited something before and at first I didn't really know what to click on but as I got into it more it became much easier than I thought it was going to be. Also we had help from a member of another group which was good because she gave us tips and told us things about editing that we didn't know.

It was easy to put the thriller opening all together because we had seperate clips we could use so we jus had to click on each clip and cut it so we only used the good footage, camera shots and camera angles in our opening. At the beginning of the lesson I thought it would of taken a lot longer than it did to put it all together but it only took about an hour and 15 minutes to do.

Although we still have more to do I think that it was good that we completed this part of the editing so we can move on to putting the blank screens in (where the titles and names are going to be written) and add in effects to our opening (if we are able to!). The other good thing is that we already know what music we are using which will save us plenty of time searching for it.

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