Wednesday 25 February 2009

The last Day Of Filming!!!!!

On the 12th of Feburary, we rented out the camera and equipment over night so we could film in Liverpool Street after college because we needed it to be dark outside for our thriller opening. We filmed the scene where the girl walks down the alley way and is kidnapped, it took us about 2 hours to film everything we needed from this part of the thriller and to get all the shots we needed so we could choose from different ones when it came to editing. Unfortunately it was very cold outside, and there were many members of the public walking down the alley way which slowed down our filming session quite a bit but we didn't give up we waited until the alley way was clear before filming another shot.
One thing I think we could've done was use lighting but when we were standing in the alley way it didn't look like we needed light, and when we looked at the shots the darkness added to the scariness of the scene.. So in the end it worked out as a plus.

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